As a mom juggling between household work, office work and keeping your growing kid busy, finding time to pamper yourself is not an easy feat. How you miss those relaxing face mask sessions to get a smooth, glowing and flawless skin! To the moms of the energetic, enthusiastic and growing kids, we say why not get creative and combine your kids time with self-pampering time? Kids love nothing more than to be involved in the grown-ups business. Sharing your face masks with the kids is one best and most rewarding ways to do it.

Face masks that are suitable for the kids is where the issue lies. The sensitive and almost perfect skin of your kids should not be tampered with. That leaves store-bought face masks out of the equation. Homemade face masks are the safest bet when it comes to kids. They are a boost of nourishment for the kids and you can monitor what you are making these masks from.

We would, however, want to put emphasis on the fact that caution is of the utmost importance when it comes to exposing your kids to anything, including these face masks.

If you are prepared and excited, we present to you the best all-natural and best homemade face masks for kids.

The Best All-Natural And Homemade Face Masks For Kids

Our goal here is to pamper the kids without causing any bit of damage. Considering how sensitive kids and their skin, this can be a bit of a challenge. So, you need to stick to all-natural ingredients that won't irritate your child's skin. Here is a list of the homemade face masks with natural ingredients that are safe to use for kids.

1. Yogurt And Honey

What you need

  • 1 tsp yogurt
  • 1 tsp honey

Directions for use

  • In a bowl, take the yogurt.
  • Add honey to it and mix well to get a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste on the face leaving safe space around the eyes and the mouth.
  • Let it sit on your kid's face for about 10 minutes.
  • Wash it off gently with lukewarm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

What does it do?

Lactic acid present in yogurt gently exfoliates the skin to make it clear and smooth [1]. Honey is an excellent emollient with loads of skin-friendly vitamins and minerals. It serves as a great moisturiser for the skin while adding a natural glow to the skin [2]. Both of these ingredients are extremely gentle on the skin as well.

2. Banana And Honey

What you need

  • ½ ripe banana
  • 1 tsp honey

Directions for use

  • Take the ripened banana in a bowl and mash it to a pulp using a fork.
  • Warm up the honey on low flame for a few seconds before adding it to the mashed banana and mix both the ingredients to get a smooth lump-free paste.
  • Dampen the kid's face and neck.
  • Apply the paste to the kid's face and neck making sure to keep it away from his/her eyes and mouth.
  • Let it sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse your kid's face with lukewarm water and pat it dry.

What does it do?

Dry skin is a skin issue that is also prevalent in kids. Applying this hydrating mixture to the kid's skin will keep the dryness away and your kid's skin moisturised. Rich in vitamin A and potassium, banana heals the dry skin and makes it smooth and soft [3]. The antibacterial and emollient properties of honey keep all the nasty germs away from your kid's skin and your kid's skin supple [4].

3. Cucumber Paste

What you need

  • ½ cucumber

Directions for use

  • Peel the cucumber, keep a couple of thin slices aside and mash the rest into a paste.
  • Apply the paste on your kid's face.
  • Make the kid lie down and keep the slices of cucumber on their eyes.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Take the slices off and wash your kid's face gently.
  • Pat dry the skin using a soft towel.

What does it do?

Playing in the sun without a care in the world can affect your kid's soft skin and might even lead to some sunburns. Cucumber with its high water content and cooling properties soothes your kid's skin and is also proven to be an effective remedy for sunburnt skin [5]. The slices of cucumber will soothe the tired eyes of the kids after all those movies, video games and mobile adventures.

4. Cucumber And Yogurt

What you need

  • ½ cucumber
  • 4 tbsp yogurt

Directions for use

  • Peel the cucumber and blend it to make a paste.
  • Take the yogurt in a bowl and add the cucumber paste to it. Mix well.
  • Apply the paste on your kid's face and neck, making sure to avoid their face and neck.
  • Let it sit on their skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash your kid's face later using lukewarm water and gently pat their face dry.

What does it do?

The cooling cucumber relaxes the face and yogurt being a natural cleanser keeps the kid's face clean, soft and smooth [5] [1]. This mixture makes up for a refreshing treat for your kid's skin.

5. Egg White And Honey

What you need

  • 1 egg white
  • ½ tbsp honey
  • 4-5 drops of lime juice

Directions for use

  • Crack the egg open and separate the egg white in a bowl.
  • Whisk the egg white until it becomes frothy.
  • Add honey and lime juice to it and mix well.
  • Apply the mixture to your kid's face and neck.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes on your kid's skin.
  • Finally, rinse it off your kid's face using lukewarm water.

What does it do?

The mix of egg white and honey keeps your kid's skin moisturised and forms a protective layer on their skin to shield it from any damage [6]. The antibacterial properties of lime juice keep the harmful bacteria at bay and your kid's skin healthy [7].

6. Strawberry And Honey

What you need

  • 1 ripe strawberry
  • 1 tsp honey

Directions for use

  • Take the strawberry in a bowl and mash it into a pulp using a fork. Alternatively, you can also blend it to make a fine paste.
  • Add honey to it and mix well to get a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste to your kid's face.
  • Leave it on your kid's face for 5-10 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse it off your kid's face using lukewarm water.

What does it do?

Rich in antioxidants, strawberry fights the free radicals to keep the skin in its optimal health [8]. The alpha-hydroxy acids present in strawberry removes the dead skin cells and build up grime to unclog skin pores and add a natural glow to the skin [9].

7. Papaya And Honey

What you need

  • 2-3 big chunks of ripe papaya
  • ½ tbsp honey
  • 5-6 drops of lime juice

Directions for use

  • Take the papaya chunks in a bowl and mash it into a pulp using a fork.
  • Add honey and lime juice to it and mix well.
  • Apply the mixture to your kid's face and neck.
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes on your kid's skin.
  • Finally, rinse it off your kid's face gently and pat it dry using a soft towel.

What does it do?
Papaya removes the dead skin cells and build-up grime that your kids might have collected on the face during their play time. The beta carotene present in papaya improves skin complexion and adds a natural glow to the skin [10].

Precautionary Measures Not To Be Taken Lightly While Using Face Masks On Kids

While all these face packs are amazing and a hundred percent natural, you have to keep in mind that it is kids that your are using them on. As such, you have to extra careful with their usage. Here are some important precautionary measures you need to take when you are using these face masks on your kids.

  • Before applying these face masks, it is important to check that it is not going to cause any reaction to your kid's skin. To do that, apply some of the homemade mask on their wrists and do a 24-hour patch test before you go all in.
  • Cleanse your kid's face thoroughly but gently before and after putting on the mask.
  • Do not use fruits that have gone bad to make these masks.
  • Do not use these masks on the kids more than twice a week.
  • While the kids have the mask on, keep a check on them to ensure that they are not touching the mask and putting it their mouths.
  • Do not keep these masks on your kid's face more than the specified time.
  • If your kid has dry or sensitive skin, make sure to moisturise it after rinsing off the mask.

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